OUR VISION: A Christ-centered community united in lasting peace and joy.
OUR MISSION: Inspire Catholics to uphold and promote a culture that safeguards the dignity of the human person.
OUR PURPOSE: * Defend our Catholic beliefs and our rights to express those beliefs * Preserve and defend the dignity of every human being * Provide education about movements/organizations that infringe on our beliefs * Work to help the institutional church to provide this leadership
HOW WE BEGAN Father Ted Rothrock, a priest for 37 years, and getting ready to conclude a very successful 22 years of service as pastor at St. Elizabeth Seton in Carmel, Indiana, penned his weekly bulletin message for parishioners on June 28, 2020, teaching his flock about his understanding of the insidious nature of the Black Lives Matter protests. A recently-formed small group of non-Catholics, who do not even reside in the parish boundaries, were offended by the straightforward talk in this bulletin article. This group declared an intent to protest around the church the next Sunday, July 5, and demanded the “defrocking” of Father Ted by his boss, Bishop Doherty of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana.
A few faithful, concerned by the possibility of protests and wanting to defend Father Ted’s ability to pastor his flock, decided that praying that Sunday was the best way to bring peace and unity to the Catholic faithful in the area. The bishop of Lafayette IN removed Father Ted from pastoral leadership at Seton. The Bishop further announced that Fr. Ted would not become the pastor of the largest parish in the Diocese, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Carmel as expected on August 19. So on July 5, the new administrator of St. Elizabeth Seton invited this group of non-Catholic protestors onto church property on the Sabbath, when the focus should be on God, Holy Mass, and prayer. They brought with them Black Lives Matter protestors carrying signs displaying foul language, sowing hate, and supporting BLM.
After 10 hours of prayer countering the protests, Bishop Doherty modified his language toward Father Ted and issued a new statement that countered his initial July 5 message at Seton indicating that he does not support the Black Lives Matter Worldwide Network or Antifa , recognizing much of their goals are antithetical to Catholic teaching and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
From that day of deep prayer, the organizers decided to formalize itself into Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace (CUP), to help Priests, Bishops, and the Faithful understand the importance of both the message of Father Ted and the goodness of supporting similar messages from our pastors and shepherds. CUP began with the intent of inspiring Catholics everywhere to uphold our beliefs and our right to express those beliefs. We must have the courage to speak up when we see organizations preventing our ability to defend our beliefs. Education and research is the key to ignite critical thinking and to promote dialogue.