Merry Christmas, Covid-19 has ended. Now we only have a common cold going around called Omicron. It happened this way:
Actual mutations, DNA changes, occur one at a time. The 4th named variant - Delta had two mutations in its spike protein. But viruses in the same family can change their personality by swapping genetic material while inside a host. Coronavirus easily do this with coronavirus relatives, but not with rhinovirus, cytomegalovirus, influenza virus or other non-relatives. If a common cold coronavirus infects a host along with its cousin COVID-19 they can swap genetic material back and forth. This can happen in a human host, a wild animal host, or house cat host. This results in a new virus.
Our new Omicron virus has fifty+ changes, with thirty+ on the spike. This means that it did not happen by mutation. It assembled itself during an intracellular coronavirus party, most likely between Delta and a common cold virus. Omicron has swept the world like the common cold it has become. Lab data shows Omicron attaches to the ACE2 receptor 5 times better than COVID because of its fifteen Receptor Binding Domain mutations. So far the CDC website does not list a single primary death from Omicron. Omicron has a death rate of practically zero.
Covid-19 has ended. The vaccine for original COVID does not stop the non-threatening Omicron. Omicron has a very different spike that does not result in massive inflammation and blood clots.
I repeat, Covid-19 has disappeared. Omicron has become our natural immunization to the Covid-19 scourge. Omicron still has lots of the envelope, mantle, and nucleocapsid from COVID, and those create strong immunity. (I think God has intervened by giving us a natural immunization agent. So get out and enjoy resumption of life. And thank God if you get the natural immunization cold.)
When the Government transforms fear into a virtue, surrender is the obvious, desired outcome.
Merry Christmas, Covid-19 has ended. Now we only have a common cold going around called Omicron. It happened this way:
Actual mutations, DNA changes, occur one at a time. The 4th named variant - Delta had two mutations in its spike protein. But viruses in the same family can change their personality by swapping genetic material while inside a host. Coronavirus easily do this with coronavirus relatives, but not with rhinovirus, cytomegalovirus, influenza virus or other non-relatives. If a common cold coronavirus infects a host along with its cousin COVID-19 they can swap genetic material back and forth. This can happen in a human host, a wild animal host, or house cat host. This results in a new virus.
Our new Omicron virus has fifty+ changes, with thirty+ on the spike. This means that it did not happen by mutation. It assembled itself during an intracellular coronavirus party, most likely between Delta and a common cold virus. Omicron has swept the world like the common cold it has become. Lab data shows Omicron attaches to the ACE2 receptor 5 times better than COVID because of its fifteen Receptor Binding Domain mutations. So far the CDC website does not list a single primary death from Omicron. Omicron has a death rate of practically zero.
Covid-19 has ended. The vaccine for original COVID does not stop the non-threatening Omicron. Omicron has a very different spike that does not result in massive inflammation and blood clots.
I repeat, Covid-19 has disappeared. Omicron has become our natural immunization to the Covid-19 scourge. Omicron still has lots of the envelope, mantle, and nucleocapsid from COVID, and those create strong immunity. (I think God has intervened by giving us a natural immunization agent. So get out and enjoy resumption of life. And thank God if you get the natural immunization cold.)
Hat Tip to Ted Noel MD.
by Ted Noel MD December 25, 2021