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December 8, 2021 at 09:29 PM

We are trying to save the life of Kathy Davies
Please share this everywhere and with everyone you know
Please support and help her
This is a freind

A judge has approved a court order to force Fauquier hospital to treat her with Ivermectin, they are refusing to do it


December 9, 2021 at 03:31 PM

Fauxi's latest gaffe, er, 'pronouncement' is that families should require vaccine proof as members arrive for Christmas visits. WTF? Really? The same poeple you just saw in person two weeks ago at Thanksgiving? Glen Beck reports that a family had a Covid spread. One vaccinated person, who had active Covid but did not know it, passed it to an elder who also had been vaccinated. So, once again, what's the point of demanding that everyone be vaccinated, if Covid is still spreading amongst everyone? Ah, yes, every dose that Moderna sells puts money in Fauxi's pocket.
If you follow the money, you reach the right answer every time.