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The devil might be in the details, or he might be front and center, but it is a certainty that he is here right now.

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October 25, 2021 at 12:19 AM

Mr. Utter, this is indeed an excellent post and I applaud you for saying what should be so clear and evident to anybody with a brain. Yet, as you point out, so many are so deceived they honestly don't see the contradiction between the "right" to murder an unborn child vs. the right to refuse to be injected with an unknown/dangerous substance that isn't even truly a vaccine! I read recently that Justice Sotomayor even called it abortion "care". Evil. Insane times. We may not be on the verge of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ yet (which is the rapture - all part of the events of the Last Judgment), but this certainly seems to be setting the stage for it, for the final antichrist to be revealed and the unleashing of satan in a last burst of fury and persecution of the church. Paul speaks clearly of the things that must first take place in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2.

October 25, 2021 at 02:08 AM

This board is becoming increasingly theological. Did anyone else notice that?