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Obey or suffer the consequences.

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September 1, 2021 at 11:21 PM

Over 1/2 our body's length is our legs. Use them! Walk, ride, run, jump and play! You loved it as a kid and you can do it again! At first it is a chore, then a habit and finally something you cannot do without.
I am convinced it helps, cognitively and health-wise as you age.

September 2, 2021 at 07:52 AM

Surely the good doctor knows the difference between a bacteria and a virus and knows the virus is much smaller. Surely she knows masks are made to stop bacteria. Instead of trying to stop 50% of the deaths, how about 85% of the deaths by taking restrictions off of Ivermectin and the other cocktail of drugs that when given early are very affective in fighting the virus?