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The Biden administration claims that the Afghanistan fiasco is in no way a repeat of the Saigon surrender of '75, even though it looks remarkably like that very thing.

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August 18, 2021 at 05:19 AM

It’s way worse…

August 18, 2021 at 02:28 PM

The comparison is too easy. Pictures of desperate people trying to grasp onto the last plane. It ends there. Vietman was not a defeat. Americans under Nixon and Kissinger spent months in Paris negotiating an end to the war. All parties would cease fighting and an agreed upon north/south division at the 34th parallel created two nations. Non-resident parties would return to their own lands. Everybody signed it and America honored it. The communists of china and north vietnam ignored the treaty and just continued. Those hopping on choppers were our south vietnamese friends. Two pictures, side by side, invite comparison like grade school sorting lessons for those who excelled at matching and sorting with little understanding beyond that.