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This is the one we have to pour our energy into fighting if we're ever going to get back to a normal life.

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August 11, 2021 at 05:04 AM

The author misses the bigger take here: the biggest lie wasn't asymptotic transmission, which was bull$hit from the start, it's that those damn face diapers had ANY effect on airborne/aerosolized viral spread. They do not and never have. Those masks were never designed or intended to prevent viral spread from the very beginning of mask use.(The disclaimer on the packaging even states as much) The masks are intended to prevent BACTERIAL infections in trauma & surgical wounds. The masks were to help contain any mucus or spittle from docs & nurses talking, coughing, or sneezing in the sterile environment of the OR and/or ER. They were never designed or intended to stop the spread of the common cold(the Wuhan virus is a variant of common cold) or flu. They're nothing but a wholly ineffective emotional placebo for the sheep who are scared that a glorified cold is going to kill everybody. The next biggest lie was magnifying the threat that Wuhan presented to the world. Old and very ill or infirm were at risk, just like with bad colds, pneumonia, and flu, most everyone else just had a bad to very bad cold but got over it. Wuhan ended up with a 0.02% fatality rate, whereas an actual dangerous virus like Hantavirus has about a 38% fatality rate. That's a very big difference.

August 11, 2021 at 12:03 PM

There is another dangerous misconception which is that wearing a mask will protect you from Covid if you are near someone who has it. They may offer some protection but what I've seen makes me think that most masks don't offer much protection. People may get a false sense of security and do things they wouldn't do if they didn't think the masks protected them. The way to deal with Covid is to quarantine people who have it.