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Orbán is something rare in politics and unknown in America: he's not just a politician, but a statesman who puts his country's interests front and center.

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August 6, 2021 at 04:07 PM
August 6, 2021 at 05:40 PM

Sorry, Andrea, this isn't your best article. There is much more to Orban than you (and most certainly Tucker) see, can and/or want to see. Sadly, some of his critics are right.

But yes, the trains are running there on time...

BTW, some Central-European countries, such as the Czech Republic have a great relationship with Israel and it is good, even though it is possible that not all their trains run on time.
And yes, the history of each country is different and Hungary that was conquered by Turkey has a different sensitivity to Islam than some other countries that didn't have this experience. On the other hand, Hungary's behavior during WWII was pretty ugly and so is the whitewashing of this ugly past.

August 6, 2021 at 05:24 PM

Comparing Orban to what we have in the White House is totally different from our leadership. I gag at the thought of them.