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The only thing that matters in America right now is that liberals got everything wrong.

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July 13, 2021 at 09:26 PM

A pithy portrait of the psychology involved. It really is like that for them. They are True Believers (a la Eric Hoffer's classic). Ideology is religion in the guise of politics. One has to understand that it is their faith, held with the fervor of religious fundamentalism. Like you say, it is not one or another policy, stance, or idea. It is all of one piece, one stance, one big certainty, and to let a crack of doubt open anywhere, is for their world to collapse, so that cannot, must not, be. Just one quibble: it would not feel almost as bad as backing into the car across the street, but much, much worse.

July 13, 2021 at 09:59 PM

Of course, the article is nonsense. How do you know?

Well, ask a leftist how they really feel about 1930s labor policy today. What would be their answer?

Probably, “Who cares, how does that affect me?”

And that is your answer. They are never wrong because they never say anything that means what they say. It’s all about feelings. (Which, BTW, is a provable fact, unlike 99% of these worthless clickbait articles).