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If the politicians, media, and tech tyrants hadn't acted so aggressively to silence discussions about COVID, the last year could have turned out very differently.

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June 10, 2021 at 06:01 AM

Of course Fauci would favor the origin of covid to be directly from an animal as opposed to coming from a vivisection lab. Fauci is a vivisector and supports vivisection, so he, naturally, would defend the directly-from-an-animal theory. The truth is that it probably DID come from a vivisection lab in Wohan. Fauci also wants to cover up the fact that the U.S. supports these dangerous laboratories in foreign countries. There are plenty of vivisection labs here in the U.S. in which highly virulent and pathogenic viruses (to humans) are injected into animals. One of these labs is in Madison, WI at UW-Madison. It is known that the protocols used are archaic, and the equipment used is highly flawed. It is only a matter of time before, no matter what the prevention policies are, a virus will escape from one of these laboratories. Such laboratories should be condemned and discontinued, for they are a constant source of new, and potentially deadly viral pandemics. And the animal experimentation that is carried out there has not produced usful findings with regard to improving human health. The animals suffer greatly....for nothing. American tax money can be better spend than by supportingmdangerous vivisection labs in for foreign countries. Past pandenics (SARS, Eboli) began this way, and until these laborartories are closed we can expend one pandemic after another i the future. Fauci should come clean and admit that the U.S. suppors vivisection around the world and devote himself to research which can truly help the human confition.

June 10, 2021 at 11:26 AM

Discussion resolves far more issues than suppression. It does raise the LARGE question of WHY discussion was suppressed. It also raises what consequences those suppressrs need now face...