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If they are not the “focus of evil in the modern world,” they are aiding and abetting those that are.

June 6, 2021 at 04:49 PM

China? Maybe China is being used too...

June 7, 2021 at 11:40 AM

SARS - CORONA VIRUS - CHINA'S Terrorist Attack:

Wayne is correct but does not go far enough. America's investigative agencies should be looking carefully for the trail of 70 Chinese nationals who came into America via aircraft shortly after the release of the Covid 19 virus. The circuitous routes they took and many flights once they hit the mainland of America and the pattern of the growth of the impact in major cities of the virus. All of these could be tracked by a determined agency. Each of the international terrorists from China could be identified and be either brought to justice or be dealt with in another manner.

We never learned the lessons from the SARS virus back when it showed up at Princess Elizabeth Hospital in the Kowloon District, Hong Kong. From there it spread to the world. Was it the first determined attack using a biological weapon on humanity by China? I suggest that it was. That early success determined the path that lead to the Corona Virus attack on America.

Just because this has broad strokes to it does not make this a lesser attack on the world than Hitlers policies of Jewish extermination. The global breadth of the attack is staggering. China released a "detailed" accounting of patient records and the path of the disease over time. The Hong Kong Hospital is missing from the record. I only know about it because I was staying in the hotel next door and had actual conversations with folks working at the Hospital when the release of the first virus took place.

What we will do in response to this massive crime will determine who will rule the world in future.