There was a doctrine written in 1897 by Hershel Walker. He was a Russian who started this movement for the very elite. Czar Nicholas kicked him out. It had nothing to with the Jewish but the JESUIT community Hershal was promoting. This is why we currently have a Jesuit Pope.
I was watching the Netflix series called SONS OF SAM. When they showed footage of the Untermeyer Estate where it was said rituals were being performed. It got my curiosity. The entire grounds were straight out of the Manly P. HALL books. In researching the estate, the owner was SAMUEL UNTERMEYER. Samuel was part of the esoteric group called the Guardians Of Zion. Theres a book by one of local members called The Protocols of Zion. Prior to tne 1933 Transfer Agreement that had Hitler sending over 50k of the wealthiest Jewish families. Herschel had requested a land to call the ZIONIST their own. This first agree ment was made by Queen Elizabeth. Who had ZERO right to give away a Country that wasn't hers. There's a very long history of the British, Belgium, Germany and French Monarchs just making claims over other Countries. She went in with the other Countries to help fight the wars where they stold, and murdered at will. This was the League of Nations. When Czar Nicholas refused in joining, they threatened him his wife and children. The Bolsheviks were contracted out by the Rothschilds to do chaos, destruction and cause the people to not trust the Czar. After his murder, all the wealth they had was laundered through Wall Street in 3 buisnesses under American names and then redistributed. The NWO program began with the Monarchs and Oligarchs. Prince Charles came up with the Climate change programs. This was about depop through de industrialization. We, the U.S. have been going through it since 1971. Queen Elizabeth has had her Freemasons infiltrate this Country since the first Zion transfer to Isreal.
Vlad Putin is an interesting person. When the Russian government asked his help with the Rothschilds Oligarchs who had bought most of Russia. He found every little dirty crime, got them convicted, and sold every thing BACK to the Russian people. This is why you hear RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.
NOTE* Things are getting bad. First they arrested one of Vladimir Putin's best friends who is a Ukraine PM. TODAY, a team of US officials, told Zelensky, in Ukraine, that the US was now taking over. They are buying out every thing.
If your Catholic, you should call your Arch Diocese and raise hell regarding the use of American taxes to pay for this transhumanism forums with Chelsea Clinton and others. Chelsea has the audacity to publicly state, YOU WILL GET YOUR VAX, LIKE IT OR NOT. Where I want to say, too bad your real dad isnt a live for this
If you're a liberal Jew, you voted to destroy Israel as well as the United States.
There was a doctrine written in 1897 by Hershel Walker. He was a Russian who started this movement for the very elite. Czar Nicholas kicked him out. It had nothing to with the Jewish but the JESUIT community Hershal was promoting. This is why we currently have a Jesuit Pope.
I was watching the Netflix series called SONS OF SAM. When they showed footage of the Untermeyer Estate where it was said rituals were being performed. It got my curiosity. The entire grounds were straight out of the Manly P. HALL books. In researching the estate, the owner was SAMUEL UNTERMEYER. Samuel was part of the esoteric group called the Guardians Of Zion. Theres a book by one of local members called The Protocols of Zion. Prior to tne 1933 Transfer Agreement that had Hitler sending over 50k of the wealthiest Jewish families. Herschel had requested a land to call the ZIONIST their own. This first agree ment was made by Queen Elizabeth. Who had ZERO right to give away a Country that wasn't hers. There's a very long history of the British, Belgium, Germany and French Monarchs just making claims over other Countries. She went in with the other Countries to help fight the wars where they stold, and murdered at will. This was the League of Nations. When Czar Nicholas refused in joining, they threatened him his wife and children. The Bolsheviks were contracted out by the Rothschilds to do chaos, destruction and cause the people to not trust the Czar. After his murder, all the wealth they had was laundered through Wall Street in 3 buisnesses under American names and then redistributed. The NWO program began with the Monarchs and Oligarchs. Prince Charles came up with the Climate change programs. This was about depop through de industrialization. We, the U.S. have been going through it since 1971. Queen Elizabeth has had her Freemasons infiltrate this Country since the first Zion transfer to Isreal.
Vlad Putin is an interesting person. When the Russian government asked his help with the Rothschilds Oligarchs who had bought most of Russia. He found every little dirty crime, got them convicted, and sold every thing BACK to the Russian people. This is why you hear RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.
NOTE* Things are getting bad. First they arrested one of Vladimir Putin's best friends who is a Ukraine PM. TODAY, a team of US officials, told Zelensky, in Ukraine, that the US was now taking over. They are buying out every thing.
If your Catholic, you should call your Arch Diocese and raise hell regarding the use of American taxes to pay for this transhumanism forums with Chelsea Clinton and others. Chelsea has the audacity to publicly state, YOU WILL GET YOUR VAX, LIKE IT OR NOT. Where I want to say, too bad your real dad isnt a live for this