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The FBI does not have a reputation for probity in these matters. More

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April 24, 2021 at 12:45 AM

Calling the Jan 6 even an 'insurrection' stretches the definition of that word to the point that it can no longer be used. If it was an 'insurrection', it was the world's most poorly planned and executed one. It was so poorly run that one is led to believe it was organized by the far-left for propaganda purposes.

April 24, 2021 at 11:53 AM

The three percenters, the Oath keepers, and the proud boys have all voluntarily sworn to protect the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and then we have Veterans who consider their oath to be valid till death. Can anyone please tell me how the hell that makes them terrorists? Plus each of the four groups above have roughly that same percentage of minorities as found in the general population.

'Tis the left who orchestrated the Kabuki theater in DC on the 6th of January. Trump tried to get DC officials to bring in tenK national guard. 'twas Pelosi and other Democrat leaders who vetoed that idea.
The Democrats did not want national guard troops in DC on the 6th as that would screw up their kabuki theater performance.

The lefts desired "END" does not resemble the facts.
There were two groups at the capital building with widely divergent agendas and motives. One group, Trump supporters, was there to exercise their constitutional rights and support congress and the VP in their duties as per the twelfth amendment. The other, ANTIFA & BLM, was there to visit as much violence as possible on the proceedings to disrupt congress and to get the violence blamed on the first group.