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The Free Thought Project


Free Minds. Free People.

Welcome to the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability.MissionIt is the mission of the Free Thought Project to foster the creation and expansion of liberty minded solutions to modern day tyrannical oppression. We feel that the internet has given way to a revolution of consciousness by providing for the massive and instantaneous exchange of information across the globe.The Free Thought Project feels that the internet is a place that can either ruin or expand the minds of individuals and that choice is up to you. Hateful and obstinate ideologies cloud the web and often the minds of those who can’t see through them. We want to change this paradigm by providing a beacon of truth amongst all the lies.The Free Thought Project is a place for people to come together, who don’t necessarily agree on all topics, but who want to see a brighter, freer, and more sustainable future for humanity.The Free Thought Project is dedicated to holding those who claim authority over our lives accountable.As John Dalberg-Acton famously stated:

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”

This tendency of power corrupting can be seen from the local postal worker all the way to the President, and in other countries across the planet. Those of us at the Free Thought Project have dedicated our lives to shining light into the darkness of these corrupt entities as we believe sunlight to be the best disinfectant. We do this to help foster a more peaceful world for our children and the children of generations to come.

Please Consider Supporting TFTP:

Subscription: https://bit.ly/2utkPcn
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tftproject
Subscribe For Email: https://bit.ly/2ONkb6K

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Instagram: https://bit.ly/2jHXe4Y
Tumblr: https://bit.ly/2KNTSex
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@tftproject
Google +: google.com/+Thefreethoughtprojectcom
You Tube: youtube.com/c/Thefreethoughtprojectcom
Tumblr: http://thefreethoughtprojectcom.tumblr.com/
Minds: https://www.minds.com/TheFreeThoughtProject.com
TFTP Podcast: http://thefreethoughtproject.podbean.com/
TFTP Podcast Itunes: https://apple.co/2yNlUxW
TFTP Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/2z4hfbb

Matt Agorist Twitter:
@Matt Agorist | https://twitter.com/MattAgorist
Jason Bassler Twitter:
@jasonbassler1 | https://twitter.com/JasonBassler1

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